Dr Bartosz Pieterek

Position: senior technician
Principal Investigator of the PRELUDIUM 16 project
Scientific interests
I specialize in research on better understanding and reconstruction of volcanic processes on Mars, with particular focus on small-scale volcanic structures that provide insight into the evolution of the planet. Using satellite images, digital terrain models and spectral data, the research aims to understand volcanic processes that occurred in relatively young regions of Martian magmatic activity. By understanding the past processes that controlled the Mars evolution, we can predict the evolution of terrestrial planets in the solar system and provide critical information for future Mars missions.
In addition, sulfides which control the distribution of metals in the lithosphere constitute an important subject of research. My particular focus is on the transition zone between the upper mantle and the lower crust. In the future, the transfer of knowledge about metallogeny in terrestrial magmatic systems to Martian settings may open up a new road in Mars exploration.
- Pieterek, B., Broz, P., Hauber, E., Stephan, K., 2024. Insight from the Noachian-aged fractured crust to the volcanic evolution of Mars: a case study from the Thaumasia graben and Claritas Fossae. Icarus, 407, 115770, DOI: 10.106/j.icarus.2023.115770 [link]
- Pieterek, B., Tribuzio, R., Matusiak-Małek, M., Ciążela, J., Horn, I., Weyer, S., Strauss, H., Muszyński, A., Underplate melts control sulfide aggregation at the continental crust-mantle transition. Communications Earth & Environment, 5, 45, DOI:10.1038/s43247-024-01218-9 [link]
- Ciazela, J., Bakala, J., Kowaliński, M., Pieterek, B., Steslicki, M., Ciazela, M., Pasławski, G., Zalewska, N., Szaforz, Ż., Jozefowicz, M., Marciniak, D., Fitt, M., Sniadkowski, A., Rataj, M., Mrozek, T. 2023 Lunar ore geology and feasibility of ore mineral detection using a far-IR spectrometer. Frontiers in Earth Science [link]
- Pieterek, B., Jones, T. 2023. The evolution of Martian fissure eruptions and their plumbing systems. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 621, 118382 [link]
- Ciazela, M., Ciazela, J., Pieterek, B., 2023 Differential apparent thermal inertia of sloping terrain on Mars: Implications for the magmatic intrusions at Olympus Mons. Icarus v. 389 1-9. [link]
- Ciazela, J., Bakala, J., Kowaliński, M., Płócieniak, S., Zalewska, N., Pieterek, B., Mrozek, T., Ciazela, M., Pasławski, G., Steslicki, T., Szaforz, Ż., Barylak, J., Kuzaj, M., Maturilli, A., Helbert, J., Muszyński, A., Rataj, M., Gburek, S., Józefowicz, M., Marciniak, D., 2022 Concept and Design of Martian Far-IR ORE Spectrometer (MIRORES). Remote Sensing v. 14 1-21. [link]
- Pieterek, B., Laban, M., Ciazela, J., Muszyński, A., 2022 Explosive volcanism in Noctis Fossae on Mars. Icarus v. 375 1-18. [link]
- Pieterek, B., Ciazela, J., Lagain, A., Ciazela, M., 2022 Late Amazonian dike-fed distributed volcanism in the Tharsis volcanic province on Mars. Icarus v. 386 1-28. [link]
- Pieterek, B., Ciazela, J., Boulanger, M., lazarov, M., Wegorzewski, A.V., Pańczyk, M., Strauss, H., Dick, H.J.B, Muszyński, A., Koepke, J., Kuhn, T., Czupyt, Z., France, L., 2022 Sulfide enrichment along igneous layer boundaries in the lower oceanic crust: IODP Hole U1473A, Atlantis Bank, Southwest Indian Ridge. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 179-206. [link]
- Ciazela, M., Ciazela, J., Pieterek, B., 2021 High Resolution Apparent Thermal Inertia Mapping on Mars. Remote Sensing, 13(18), 3692 [link]
- Patkó, L., Ciążela, J., Aradi, L.E., Liptai, N., Pieterek, B., Berkesi, M., Lazarov, M., Kovács, I.J., Holtz, F., Szabó, C. 2021 Iron isotope and trace metal variations during mantle metasomatism: In situ study on sulfide minerals from peridotite xenoliths from Nógrád-Gömör Volcanic Field (Northern Pannonian Basin). Lithos; v. 396-397; 106238. [link]
- Ciążela, J., Koepke, J., Dick, H.J.B., Botcharnikov, R., Muszyński, A., Lazarov, M., Schuth, S., Pieterek, B., and Kuhn, T. 2018 Sulfide enrichment at an oceanic crust-mantle transition zone: Kane Megamullion (23°N, MAR). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta; v. 230; p. 155-189. [link]
- Ciążela, J., Dick, H.J.B., Koepke, J., Pieterek, B., Muszyński, A., Botcharnikov, R., and Kuhn, T., 2017. Thin crust and exposed mantle control sulfide differentiation in slow-spreading ridge magmas. Geology; v. 45; no. 10; p. 935-938. [link]