Dr Krzysztof Pleskot

Position: assistant professor
Principal investigator of EMI project
Member of the University Council for Science
Member of advisory council for the master course “Geohazards and Climate Change”
Supervisor of bachelor course „Changes of Earth’s Climate”
Scientific interests
I am primarily interested in the history of climate change and geohazards, with a specific focus on their lake sedimentary records. After completing my internship in Canada at the University of New Brunswick in 2020, my research has been predominantly centered on understanding the impacts of extreme marine inundation on coastal lake ecosystems. In 2024, I was awarded the Bekker scholarship. The postdoctoral position at the University of Bremen in Germany, associated with the scholarship, is dedicated to deciphering the records of volcanic winters from lake sedimentary archives.
- Pleskot, K., Cwynar, L.C., Kołaczek, P., Mroczkowska, A., Suchora, M., Kowalczyk, C.P., Kokociński, M.S., 2024. Impact of extreme coastal events on a brackish lake on the Burin Peninsula, Newfoundlad, Canada. Science of the Total Environment, 935, 173330, DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.173330 [link]
- Pleskot, K., Zolitschka, B., 2024. Is the ‘Year Without a Summer’ impreinted in continental varve thickness records Quaternary Science Reviews, 346, 109085, DOI: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2024.109085 [link]
- Apolinarska K., Pleskot K., Aunina L., Marzec K., Szczepaniak M., Kiełczewski R.M., Gałka M., 2024. Late Holocene changes in the water table at an alkaline fen in Central Latvia: Their impacts on CaCO3 deposition at the fen and relation to the hydroclimate patterns of the Eastern Baltic Region. Quaternary Science Reviews, 334, 1-15. [link]
- Apolinarska, K., Kiełczewski, R., Pleskot, K., Marzec, M., Aunina, L., Michalska, D., Siepak, M., Kowalczyk, C., Gałka, M., 2024. The decline of tufa deposition in an alkaline fen ecosystem in East-Central Europe and its impact on biotic assemblages: Insights from monitoring and paleoecological data. Science of The Total Environment 912, 169408. [link]
- Pleskot, K., Cwynar, L., Kowalczyk, C.P., Kokociński, M.Sz., Szczuciński, W., 2023 Refining the history of extreme coastal events in southern Newfoundland, NW Atlantic, with lake sediment archives. Quaternary Science Reviews v.322 p. 1-19 [link]
- Mitręga-Szcześniak, M., Kokociński, M.Sz., Jagodziński, R., Pleskot, K., Zajączkowski, M., Szczuciński, W., Late Holocene Vistula River floods recorded in grain size distributions and diatom assemblages of marine sediments of the Gulf of Gdańsk (Baltic Sea). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology v.617 111499 . [link]
- Apoliniarska, K.E., Kiełczewski, R.M., Pleskot, K., Marzec, M., Aunina, L., Gałka, M., The temporal and spatial comlexity of carbonate deposition at Romincka forest cupola spring-fed fen (Central Europe) during the Holocene. Catena v.226 [link]
- Apolinarska K.E., Kiełczewski, R.M., Pleskot, K., Marzec, M., Aunina, L., Gałka, M., 2022 High-resolution record of geochemical, vegetational and molluscan shifts in a Central European spring-fed fen: implications for regional paleoclimate during the early and mid-Holocene. Holocene v. 32 764-779. [link]
- Pleskot, K., Suchora, M., Apolinarska K.E., Kołaczek, P., 2022 Responses of a shallow temperate lake ecosystem to major late-Holocene terrestrial vegetation shifts. Holocene v. 32 703-715. [link]
- Pleskot, K., Apolinarska, K.E., Cwynar, L.C., Kotrys, B., Lamentowicz, M.G., 2022 The late-Holocene relationship between peatland water table depth and summer temperature in northern Poland. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 1-8. [link]
- Apolinarska, K.E., Pleskot, K., Pełechata, A.A., Migdałek, M., Pełechaty, M.J., 2021 Seasonal deposition of authigenic calcite out of isotopic equilibrium with DIC and water, and implications for paleolimnological studies. Journal of Paleolimnology v.66 41-53. [link]
- Apolinarska, K.E., Pleskot, K., Pełechata, A.A., Migdałek, M., Siepak, M,. Pełechaty, M.J., 2020 The recent deposition of laminated sediments in highly eutrophic Lake Kierskie, western Poland: 1 year pilot study of limnological monitoring and sediment traps. Journal of Paleolimnology v.63 283-304. [link]
- Borysiak, J., Pleskot, K., Rachlewicz, G., 2020 Dryas aeolian landforms in Arctic deflationary tundra, central Spitsbergen. Polish Polar Research v. 41 41-68. [link]
- Pleskot, K., Apolinarska, K.E., Kołaczek, P., Suchora, M., Fojutowski, M., Joniak, T., Kotrys, B., Kramkowski, M., Słowiński, M., Woźniak, M., Lamentowicz, M.G., 2020 Searching for the 4.2 ka climate event at Lake Spore, Poland. Catena v. 191 1-13. [link]
- Szuman-Kalita, I., Ewertowski, M., Kalita, J., Kasprzak, L., Makohonienko, M., Pleskot, K., Szczuciński, W., Tomczyk, A.M., 2019 The Last Scandinavian Ice Sheet in Wielkopolska and Mid-Holocene Meteorite Impact Crater: Field Guide. [link]
- Pleskot, K., Tóth, M., Apolinarska, K.E.,2019 Distribution of subfossil chironomids (Diptera, Chironomidae) along a water depth gradient in the shallow Lake Spore, northern Poland. Journal of Limnology v.78 336-347. [link]
- Pleskot, K., Tjallingii, R., Makohonienko, M., Nowaczyk, N., Szczuciński, W., 2018 Holocene paleohydrological reconstruction of Lake Strzeszyńskie (western Poland) and its implications for the central European climatic transition zone. Journal of Paleolimnology v. 59 443-459. [link]
- Apolinarska, K.E., Brauer, A., Cerbin, S., Goslar, T.E., Makohonienko, M., Nowaczyk, N., Pleskot, K., Rzodkiewicz, M., Szczuciński, W., Słowiński, M., Tjallingii, R., Woszczyk, M., 2016 Environmental effects of small meteorite impact in unconsolidated sediments – case of iron meteorite shower in Morasko, Poland. Meteoritics & Planetary Science v.51 A609-A609. [link]
- Pleskot K. 2015 – Sedimentological characteristics of debris flow deposits within ice-cored moraines of Ebbabreen, central Spitsbergen. Polish Polar Research v. 36 125-144. [link]
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