Geohazards Research Unit

Dr Jędrzej Majewski

Position: associate professor

Principal Investigator of PALEOSUMA project

Tel.: 0048-61-829 6003
Room: 105

Scientific interests

I specialize in the study of climate change, with a primary focus on sea level change and natural hazards such as tsunamis impacting tropical coastlines and the communities residing there. Utilizing archaeological, sedimentological, and biological proxy records, my research aims to understand the character of sea level changes and tsunami events, exploring their historical and contemporary implications for coastal populations. Looking ahead, the aim is to connect these findings with the long-term sustainability of coastal living, investigating potential adaptations to rising sea levels. The ultimate goal is to enhance our understanding of the likelihood of coastal hazards affecting Southeast Asian coastlines, contributing valuable insights for both current and future generations.


  • Tan, F,, Meltzner, A.J., Li, T., Majewski, J., Khan, N.S., Chutcharavan, P.M., Horton B.P, 2025. Reply to: A commentary on Holocene relative sea-level histories of far-field islands in the mid-Pacific. Quaternary Sciences Reviews, 346, 1-5 [link]


  • Li, T., Chua, S., Tan, F., Khan, N. S., Shaw, T. A., Majewski, J., Meltzner, A. J., Switzer, A. D., Wu, P., Horton, B. P., 2023. Glacial Isostatic Adjustment modelling of the mid-Holocene sea-level highstand of Singapore and Southeast Asia. Quaternary Science Reviews, 319, 1–14. [link]
  • Majewski, J., Switzer, A. D., Guan, R. Y. S., Benazir, B., Meilianda, E., Parham, P. R., Weiss, R., Martin, S. S., Pearson, L. K., Pilarczyk, J. E., Daly, P., Horton, B. P., 2023. Sediment analysis and historical context of the 2018 Palu-Donggala tsunami deposit, Indonesia. Marine Geology, 466, 1–18. [link]
  • Shaw, T. A., Li, T., Ng, T., Cahill, N., Chua, S., Majewski, J., Nathan, Y., Garner, G. G., Kopp, R. E., Hanebuth, T. J. J., Switzer, A. D., Horton, B. P., 2023. Deglacial perspectives of future sea level for Singapore. Communications Earth & Environment, 4, 1–12. [link]
  • Tan, F., Khan, N. S., Li, T., Meltzner, A. J., Majewski, J., Chan, N., Chutcharavan, P. M., Cahill, N., Vacchi, M., Peng, D., Horton, B. P., 2023. Holocene relative sea-level histories of far-field islands in the mid-Pacific. Quaternary Science Reviews, 310, 1–19. [link]
  • Chapkanski, S., Brocard, G., Lavigne, F., Tricot, C., Meilianda, E., Ismail, N., Majewski, J., Goiran, J.-P., Alfian, D., Daly, P., Horton, B., Switzer, A., Degroot, V., Steuer, A., Siemon, B., Cavero, J., Virmoux, C., Darusman, D., 2022. Fluvial and coastal landform changes in the Aceh River delta (northern Sumatra) during the century leading to the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 47, 1–20. [link]
  • Daly, P., Feener, R. M., Ishikawa, N., Mujah, I., Irawani, M., Hegyi, A., Baranyai, K., Majewski, J., Horton, B., 2022. Challenges of Managing Maritime Cultural Heritage in Asia in the Face of Climate Change. Climate, 10, 1–20. [link]   
  • Majewski, J., Meltzner, A., Switzer, A., Shaw, T., Li, T., Bradley, S., Walker, J., Kopp, R., Samanta, D., Natawidjaja, D., Suwargadi, B., Horton, B., 2022. Extending Instrumental Sea-Level Records Using Coral Microatolls, an Example From Southeast Asia. Geophysical Research Letters, 49, 1–9. [link]
  • Majewski, J., Switzer, A., Meltzner, A., Parham, P., Horton, B., Bradley, S., Pile, J., Chiang, H.-W., Wang, X., Ng, C. T., Tanzil, J., Müller, M., Mujahid, A., 2018. Holocene relative sea-level records from coral microatolls in Western Borneo, South China Sea. Holocene, 1–12. 
  • Bielińska-Majewska, B., Majewski, J., 2013. Próba zrozumienia ukrytych znaczeń „przedmiotu”, jego rola i przekaz w ekspozycji muzealnej-na przykładzie kultury plemienia Iban. Rocznik Muzeum Wsi Mazowieckiej w Sierpcu, 32–39.

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